Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First come first SERVE!

Alright this is my first blog, and I feel like I should create this for real people in real situations. Everyone who knows me knows that I work at walmart, go to college, and I be myself. So what the hell is wrong with all the people now days. I'm not talking about rednecks or black folks. I'm talking about everyone in general. For the life of me I can't understand why people are just so cruel. Everyone is always having a bad day, or just wants to be stuck up. Do we not believe in smiling and saying hello how you doin these days? I have bad days all the time and I don't take my frustrations out on the rest of the world. I reckon this first blog is about how people should be a little nicer to each other. Trust me, like I said, I work at wal mart and see it all day long. I grew up  barefoot on a gravel road, had a job since I was 15, and I'm still one of the happiest people you will ever meet. Some folks thinks just because they cant buy the newest gadget out there in the world so why not just steal it, and then rich folks buy 3 and its not enough for em. If your not happy with your life well guess what you can change it. If someone comes by you blaring loud music and you curse at em, and then you listen to the same music. GUESS what your a HYPOCRITE. One thing I wanna say is """"""STOP WORRYING ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE AND WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF""""". One example of this would be a few days ago I posted on facebook that TVs were on sale at wal mart. I was asked twice why I would advertise for wal mart and even called a suckass! I was'nt posting for wal mart I just figured my friends would like to know TVs were on sale. In 2011 I think everyone needs to make a resolution to do something good for someone else. It probably wont happen though because everyone is to worried about who is screwing who and who's on dope. If someone is in a bad place "such as abusing substances," try to help don't just talk about em is  all I'm trying to say. LOL this blog was inspired by recent events by me so don't give up hope yet hopefully I can make this a positive thing about local events, and inspiring situations.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. People should make an effort to be more patient and kind. I like your blog, Josh!! Let me know when cameras are on sale :) LOL
